
class defichain.node.Masternodes(node)#
createmasternode(ownerAddress: str, operatorAddress: str | None = None, inputs: [{}] = [], timelock: str | None = None) str#

Creates (and submits to local node and network) a masternode creation transaction with given owner and operator addresses, spending the given inputs.. The last optional argument (may be empty array) is an array of specific UTXOs to spend.

  • ownerAddress (str) – (required) Any valid address for keeping collateral amount (any P2PKH or P2WKH address) - used as owner key

  • operatorAddress – (optional) Optional (== ownerAddress) masternode operator auth address (P2PKH only, unique)

  • inputs (json array) – (optional) Inputs

  • timelock (str) – (optional) Defaults to no timelock period so masternode can be resigned once active. To set a timelock period specify either FIVEYEARTIMELOCK or TENYEARTIMELOCK to create a masternode that cannot be resigned for five or ten years and will have 1.5x or 2.0 the staking power respectively. Be aware that this means that you cannot spend the collateral used to create a masternode for whatever period is specified.


“hash” (string) – The hex-encoded hash of broadcasted transaction

>>> node.masternodes.createmasternode("ownerAddress", "operatorAddress")
getactivemasternodecount(blockCount: int = 20160) int#

Return number of unique masternodes in the last specified number of blocks


blockCount (int) – (optional) The number of blocks to check for unique masternodes


n (numeric) – Number of unique masternodes seen

>>> node.masternodes.getactivemasternodecount()
getanchorteams(blockHeight: int | None = None) {}#

Returns the auth and confirm anchor masternode teams at current or specified height


blockHeight (int) – (optional) The height of block which contain tx


{“auth”:[Address,…],”confirm”:[Address,…]} (json) – Two sets of masternode operator addresses

>>> node.masternodes.getanchorteams()
getmasternode(mn_id: str) {}#

Returns information about specified masternode


mn_id (str) – (required) Masternode’s id


{id:{…}} (json) – Json object with masternode information

>>> node.masternodes.getmasternode("095d2bfb5d05ba73fa96502df85aca818ee79810b9ababa71a9dc97e2c360100")
getmasternodeblocks(id: str | None = None, ownerAddress: str | None = None, operatorAddress: str | None = None, depth: int | None = None) {}#

Returns blocks generated by the specified masternode

Needs one of the three identifier: id, ownerAddress, operatorAddress

  • id (str) – (optional) Masternode’s id

  • ownerAddress (str) – (optional) Masternode owner address

  • operatorAddress (str) – (optional) Masternode operator address

  • depth (int) – (optional) Maximum depth, from the genesis block is the default


{…} (json) – Json object with block hash and height information

>>> node.masternodes.getmasternodeblocks(id="095d2bfb5d05ba73fa96502df85aca818ee79810b9ababa71a9dc97e2c360100")
listanchors() []#

List anchors (if any)


[…] (array) – Returns array of anchors

>>> node.masternodes.listanchors()
listmasternodes(start: str | None = None, including_start: bool | None = None, limit: int = 1000000, verbose: bool = True) {}#

Returns information about specified masternodes (or all, if list of ids is empty).

  • start (str) – (optional) Optional first key to iterate from, in lexicographical order. Typically, it’s set to last ID from previous request

  • including_start (bool) – (optional) If true, then iterate including starting position. False by default

  • limit (int) – (optional) Maximum number of orders to return, 1000000 by default

  • verbose (bool) – (optional) Flag for verbose list (default = true), otherwise only ids are listed


{id:{…},…} (json) – Json object with masternodes information

>>> node.masternodes.listmasternodes()
resignmasternode(mn_id: str, inputs: [{}] = None) str#

Creates (and submits to local node and network) a transaction resigning your masternode. Collateral will be unlocked after 2016 blocks.

The last optional argument (may be empty array) is an array of specific UTXOs to spend. One of UTXO’s must belong to the MN’s owner (collateral) address

  • mn_id (str) – (required) The Masternode’s ID

  • inputs (json array) – (optional) Inputs


“hash” (string) – The hex-encoded hash of broadcasted transaction

>>> node.masternodes.resignmasternode("095d2bfb5d05ba73fa96502df85aca818ee79810b9ababa71a9dc97e2c360100")
updatemasternode(mn_id: str, values: {} = None, inputs: [{}] = None) str#

Creates (and submits to local node and network) a masternode update transaction which update the masternode operator addresses, spending the given inputs..

The last optional argument (may be empty array) is an array of specific UTXOs to spend.

Requires wallet passphrase to be set with walletpassphrase call.

  • mn_id (str) – (required) The Masternode’s ID

  • values (json) –


        "ownerAddress": "str",       (string) The new masternode owner address, requires masternode collateral fee (P2PKH or P2WPKH)
        "operatorAddress": "str",    (string) The new masternode operator address (P2PKH or P2WPKH)
        "rewardAddress": "str",      (string) Masternode`s new reward address, empty "" to remove reward address.

  • inputs (json array) – Inputs


“hash” (string) – The hex-encoded hash of broadcasted transaction

>>> node.masternodes.updatemasternode("mn_id", {"rewardAddress": "rewardAddress"})