- class defichain.ocean.Poolpairs(ocean)#
- list(size: int = 30, next: str | None = None) [{}] #
List pool pairs
- Parameters:
size (int) – (optional) size of PoolPairData balance to query
next (str) – (optional) next set of PoolPairData
- Returns:
(json string) {id: str, symbol: str, displaySymbol: str, name: str, status: bool, tokenA: {id: str, name: str, symbol: str, displaySymbol: str, reserve: str, blockCommission: str, fee: {pct: str, inPct: str, outPct: str}}, tokenB: {id: str, name: str, symbol: str, displaySymbol: str, reserve: str, blockCommission: str, fee: {pct: str, inPct: str, outPct: str}}, priceRatio: {ab: str, ba: str}, commission: str, totalLiquidity: {token: str, usd: str}, tradeEnabled: bool, ownerAddress: str, rewardPct: str, rewardLoanPct: str, customRewards: str[], creation: {tx: str, height: int}, apr: {total: float, reward: float, commission: float}, volume?: {d30: float, h24: float}}
- Example:
>>> ocean.poolpairs.list()
- get(id: str) {} #
Get pool pair
- Parameters:
id (str) – (required) id of the pool pair
- Returns:
(json string) {id: str, symbol: str, displaySymbol: str, name: str, status: bool, tokenA: {id: str, name: str, symbol: str, displaySymbol: str, reserve: str, blockCommission: str, fee: {pct: str, inPct: str, outPct: str}}, tokenB: {id: str, name: str, symbol: str, displaySymbol: str, reserve: str, blockCommission: str, fee: {pct: str, inPct: str, outPct: str}}, priceRatio: {ab: str, ba: str}, commission: str, totalLiquidity: {token: str, usd: str}, tradeEnabled: bool, ownerAddress: str, rewardPct: str, rewardLoanPct: str, customRewards: str[], creation: {tx: str, height: int}, apr: {total: float, reward: float, commission: float}, volume?: {d30: float, h24: float}}
- Example:
>>> ocean.poolpairs.get("4")
- listPoolSwaps(id: str, size: int = 30, next: str | None = None) [{}] #
List pool swaps
- Parameters:
id (str) – (required) id of the pool pair
size (int) – (optional) size of PoolSwap to query
next (str) – (optional) next set of PoolSwap
- Returns:
(json string) {id: str, sort: str, txid: str, txno: int, poolPairId: str, fromAmount: str, fromTokenId: int, from: PoolSwapFromToData, to: PoolSwapFromToData, type: SwapType, block: {hash: str, height: int, time: int, medianTime: int}}
- Example:
>>> ocean.poolpairs.listPoolSwaps("4")
- listPoolSwapsVerbose(id: str, size: int = 10, next: str | None = None) [{}] #
List pool swaps with from/to
- Parameters:
id (str) – (required) id of the pool pair
size (int) – (optional) of PoolSwap to query, max of 20 per page
next (str) – (optional) next set of PoolSwap
- Returns:
(json string) {id: str, sort: str, txid: str, txno: int, poolPairId: str, fromAmount: str, fromTokenId: int, from: PoolSwapFromToData, to: PoolSwapFromToData, type: SwapType, block: {hash: str, height: int, time: int, medianTime: int}}
- Example:
>>> ocean.poolpairs.listPoolSwapsVerbose("4")
- listPoolSwapAggregates(id: str, interval: int, size: int = 30, next: str | None = None) [{}] #
List pool swap aggregates
- Parameters:
id (str) – (required) id of the pool pair
interval (int) – (required) aggregated interval: 60 * 60, 60 * 60 * 24
size (str) – (optional) size of PoolSwap to query
next (int) – (optional) next set of PoolSwap
- Returns:
(json string) {id: str, key: str, bucket: int, aggregated: {amounts: Record<str, str>, usd: float}, block: {medianTime: int}}
- Example:
>>> ocean.poolpairs.listPoolSwapsVerbose("4", 3600)
- getSwappableTokens(tokenId: str) {} #
Get all swappable tokens for a given token
- Parameters:
tokenId (str) – (required) id of a token
- Returns:
(json string) {fromToken: TokenIdentifier, swappableTokens: TokenIdentifier[]}
- Example:
>>> ocean.poolpairs.getSwappableTokens("0")
- getBestPath(fromTokenId: str, toTokenId: str) {} #
Get the best (estimated) swap path from one token to another
- Parameters:
fromTokenId (str) – (required) tokenId to swap from
toTokenId (str) – (required) tokenId to swap to
- Returns:
(json string) {fromToken: TokenIdentifier, toToken: TokenIdentifier, bestPath: SwapPathPoolPair[], estimatedReturn: str, estimatedReturnLessDexFees: str}
- Example:
>>> ocean.poolpairs.getBestPath("0", "75")
- getAllPaths(fromTokenId: str, toTokenId: str) {} #
Get all possible swap paths from one token to another
- Parameters:
fromTokenId (str) – (required) tokenId to swap from
toTokenId (str) – (required) tokenId to swap to
- Returns:
(json string) {fromToken: TokenIdentifier, toToken: TokenIdentifier, bestPath: SwapPathPoolPair[], estimatedReturn: str, estimatedReturnLessDexFees: str}
- Example:
>>> ocean.poolpairs.getAllPaths("0", "75")
- listDexPrices(denomination: str) {} #
Get all dex prices denominated in a given token
- Parameters:
denomination (str) – (required) denomination
- Returns:
(json string) {token: TokenIdentifier, denominationPrice: str}
- Example:
>>> ocean.poolpairs.listDexPrices("DUSD")