- class defichain.node.Poolpair(node)#
- addpoolliquidity(_from: str, shareAddress: str, inputs: [{}] = None) str #
Creates (and submits to local node and network) a add pool liquidity transaction.
The last optional argument (may be empty array) is an array of specific UTXOs to spend.
Requires wallet passphrase to be set with walletpassphrase call.
- Parameters:
_from (str) –
(required) The defi address(es) is the key(s), the value(s) is amount in amount@token format. You should provide exectly two types of tokens for pool’s ‘token A’ and ‘token B’ in any combinations.If multiple tokens from one address are to be transferred, specify an array [”amount1@t1”, “amount2@t2”]
If “from” obj contain only one amount entry with address-key: “*” (star), it’s means auto-selection accounts from wallet.
shareAddress (str) – (required) The defi address for crediting tokens
inputs (json array) – (optional) Inputs
- Returns:
“hash” (string) – The hex-encoded hash of broadcasted transaction
- Example:
>>> node.poolpair.addpoolliquidity({"df1qpsg2v3fajhwfrc3dchsqpcwqfegdxpncwpcda2": ["1.0@BTC", "1.0@DFI"]}, "df1qpsg2v3fajhwfrc3dchsqpcwqfegdxpncwpcda2")
- compositeswap(_from: str, tokenFrom: str, amountFrom: float, to: str, tokenTo: str, maxPrice: float = None, inputs: [{}] = None) str #
Creates (and submits to local node and network) a composite swap (swap between multiple poolpairs) transaction with given metadata.
- Parameters:
_from (str) – (required) Address of the owner of tokenA
tokenFrom (str) – (required) One of the keys may be specified (id/symbol)
amountFrom (float) – (required) tokenFrom coins amount
to (str) – (required) Address of the owner of tokenB
tokenTo (str) – (required) One of the keys may be specified (id/symbol)
maxPrice (float) – (optional) Maximum acceptable price
inputs (json array) – (optional) Inputs
- Returns:
“hash” (string) – The hex-encoded hash of broadcasted transaction
- Example:
>>> node.poolpair.compositeswap("df1qpsg2v3fajhwfrc3dchsqpcwqfegdxpncwpcda2", "BTC", 1, "df1qpsg2v3fajhwfrc3dchsqpcwqfegdxpncwpcda2", "DFI")
- createpoolpair(tokenA: str, tokenB: str, commission: float, status: bool, ownerAddress: str, customRewards: str = None, pairSymbol: str = None, inputs: [{}] = None) str #
Creates (and submits to local node and network) a poolpair transaction with given metadata.
- Parameters:
tokenA (str) – (required) One of the keys may be specified (id/symbol)
tokenB (str) – (required) One of the keys may be specified (id/symbol)
commission (float) – (required) Pool commission, up to 10^-8
status (bool) – (required) Pool Status: True is Active, False is Restricted
ownerAddress (str) – (required) Address of the pool owner
customRewards (str) – (optional) Token reward to be paid on each block, multiple can be specified
pairSymbol (str) – (optional) Pair symbol (unique), no longer than 8
inputs (json array) – (optional) Inputs
- Returns:
“hash” (string) – The hex-encoded hash of broadcasted transaction
- Example:
>>> node.poolpair.createpoolpair("BTC", "USDC", 0.5, True, "df1qpsg2v3fajhwfrc3dchsqpcwqfegdxpncwpcda2")
- getpoolpair(key: str, verbose: bool = True) {} #
Returns information about pool.
- Parameters:
key (str) – (required) One of the keys may be specified (id/symbol/creationTx)
verbose (bool) – (optional) Flag for verbose list (default = true), otherwise limited objects are listed
- Returns:
{id:{…}} (json) – Json object with pool information
- Example:
>>> node.poolpair.getpoolpair(4)
- listpoolpairs(start: int | None = None, including_start: bool | None = None, limit: int = 100, verbose: bool = True) {} #
Returns information about pools
- Parameters:
start (int) – (optional) Optional first key to iterate from, in lexicographical order. Typically it’s set to last ID from previous request
including_start (bool) – (optional) If true, then iterate including starting position
limit (int) – (optional) Maximum number of pools to return, 100 by default
verbose (bool) – (optional) Flag for verbose list (default = true), otherwise only ids, symbols and names are listed
- Returns:
{id:{…}} (json) – Json object with pool information
- Example:
>>> node.poolpair.listpoolpairs()
Returns information about pool shares
- Parameters:
start (int) – (optional) Optional first key to iterate from, in lexicographical order
including_start (bool) – (optional) If true, then iterate including starting position
limit (int) – (optional) Maximum number of pools to return
verbose (bool) – (optional) Flag for verbose list (default = true), otherwise only % are shown
is_mine_only (bool) – (optional) Flag for verbose list (default = true), otherwise only % are shown
- Returns:
{id:{…}} (json) – Json object with pool information
- Example:
>>> node.poolpair.listpoolshares()
- poolswap(_from: str, tokenFrom: str, amountFrom: float, to: str, tokenTo: str, maxPrice: float = None, inputs: [{}] = None) str #
Creates (and submits to local node and network) a poolswap transaction with given metadata
- Parameters:
_from (str) – (required) Address of the owner of tokenA
tokenFrom (str) – (required) One of the keys may be specified (id/symbol)
amountFrom (float) – (required) tokenFrom coins amount
to (str) – (required) Address of the owner of tokenB
tokenTo (str) – (required) One of the keys may be specified (id/symbol)
maxPrice (float) – (optional) Maximum acceptable price
inputs (json array) – (optional) Inputs
- Returns:
“hash” (string) – The hex-encoded hash of broadcasted transaction
- Example:
>>> node.poolpair.poolswap("df1qpsg2v3fajhwfrc3dchsqpcwqfegdxpncwpcda2", "BTC", 1, "df1qpsg2v3fajhwfrc3dchsqpcwqfegdxpncwpcda2", "DFI")
- removepoolliquidity(_from: str, amount: str, inputs: [{}] = None) str #
Creates (and submits to local node and network) a remove pool liquidity transaction
- Parameters:
- Returns:
“hash” (string) – The hex-encoded hash of broadcasted transaction
- Example:
>>> node.poolpair.removepoolliquidity("df1qpsg2v3fajhwfrc3dchsqpcwqfegdxpncwpcda2", "1.0@BTC-DFI")
- testpoolswap(_from: str, tokenFrom: str, amountFrom: float, to: str, tokenTo: str, maxPrice: float | None = None, path: str = 'direct', verbose: bool = False) str #
Tests a poolswap transaction with given metadata and returns poolswap result
- Parameters:
_from (str) – (required) Address of the owner of tokenA
tokenFrom (str) – (required) One of the keys may be specified (id/symbol)
amountFrom (float) – (required) tokenFrom coins amount
to (str) – (required) Address of the owner of tokenB
tokenTo (str) – (required) One of the keys may be specified (id/symbol)
maxPrice (float) – (optional) Maximum acceptable price
path (str) –
(optional) One of auto/direct
auto - automatically use composite swap or direct swap as needed direct - uses direct path only or fails composite - uses composite path only or fails
verbose (bool) – (optional) Returns estimated composite path when true
- Returns:
“amount@tokenId” (string) – The string with amount result of poolswap in format AMOUNT@TOKENID
- Example:
>>> node.poolpair.testpoolswap("df1qpsg2v3fajhwfrc3dchsqpcwqfegdxpncwpcda2", "BTC", 1, "df1qpsg2v3fajhwfrc3dchsqpcwqfegdxpncwpcda2", "DFI")
- updatepoolpair(pool: str, status: bool = None, commission: float = None, ownerAddress: str = None, customRewards: str = None, inputs: [{}] = None) str #
Creates (and submits to local node and network) a pool status update transaction
- Parameters:
pool (str) – (required) The pool’s symbol, id or creation tx
status (bool) – (optional) Pool Status new property
commission (float) – (optional) Pool commission, up to 10^-8
ownerAddress (str) – (optional) Address of the pool owner
customRewards (str) – (optional) Token reward to be paid on each block, multiple can be specified
inputs (json array) – (optional) Inputs
- Returns:
“hash” (string) – The hex-encoded hash of broadcasted transaction
- Example:
>>> node.poolpair.updatepoolpair("BTC-DFI", True, "0.5")