Chain Transactions#

import time
from defichain import TxBuilder, Ocean, Wallet
from defichain.networks import DefichainTestnet

Example to show how you can chain transactions with the DefichainPython Library!
Chaining transactions, in this case, means that they depend on each other. The 
second chained transaction uses the unspent inputs of the first transaction, the 
third transaction uses the unspent inputs of the second transaction ...
It's mostly used to include multiple transactions in the same block.

It's important to point out that there are two layers of coins. There are UTXO 
DFI and Token. The UTXO can always be spent in the next transaction. The Token 
on the other hand, can only be spent in a following transaction inside the same 
block ifthe outcome of the used DefiTx is pre determined.

When executing a takeloan, you want to have exactly 5 DUSD. The system knows 
that you will get exactly 5 DUSD and you can use them in the next tx.

When executing a poolswap you want to exchange 1 DFI into BTC. But the system 
only knows how much BTC you will get when the next block has been minted. So 
the transactions that should be executed after the poolswap cannot continue 
with the BTC output of the poolswap.


pip install defichain -U

"""Script Setup"""
PRIVATE_KEY = "cTBazS4LCqitNniS3zW34UmhtQgBWSiuUeTCKFHfPkXyaLGPoy6b"  # wif private key
wallet = Wallet(DefichainTestnet).from_wif(PRIVATE_KEY)  # create testnet wallet
account = wallet.get_account()  # get account

ADDRESS = account.get_p2wpkh()  # address to use
VAULT_ID = "9429280b52dff4784465b3b00174fc12722907d6459bb7c50f2fad0dc5c20083"  # vault to use

ocean = Ocean(network="testnet")  # testnet ocean connection
builder = TxBuilder(ADDRESS, account, ocean, 1.0)  # transaction builder

"""Account Setup"""
# tx_utxos_to_account = builder.accounts.utxostoaccount(ADDRESS, 700) # Convert UTXOS to Token
# tx_create_vault = builder.vault.createvault(ADDRESS, "C150")  # Create Vault with 150% Loan Scheme (Mainnet: MIN150)
# tx_deposit_to_vault = builder.vault.deposittovault(VAULT_ID, ADDRESS, "500@DFI")  # Deposit to vault

"""Create multiple transactions for one block"""
tx_take_loan =, ADDRESS, "5@DUSD")  # Take Loan
tx_take_loan_unspent = tx_take_loan.get_unspent()  # Takes the unspent inputs from the created transaction

# poolswapt with the inputs of the previously created transaction
tx_poolswap = builder.pool.poolswap(ADDRESS, "DUSD", 5, ADDRESS, "GOOGL", 99999999, tx_take_loan_unspent)

"""Submit multiple transactions in one block"""
txid_take_loan = builder.send_tx(tx_take_loan)  # Submit first tx to the network

while True:  # Ocean needs a few seconds to index the first transaction. After the second transaction can be submitted.
        txid_poolswap = builder.send_tx(tx_poolswap)  # Submit second tx to the network
    except Exception as e:
        print(e)  # print exception
        time.sleep(0.5)  # wait 0.5 seconds for next try

"""Print TXID's"""
print(f"Take Loan: {txid_take_loan}")
print(f"PoolSwap: {txid_poolswap}")